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VDMA Machine Embroidery Design for Stoles

As we near the end of 2016, it is a time of reflection, looking back to days gone by, counting the many blessings we have received this year, and remembering loved ones who have gone before use to their heavenly home.  As a New Year approaches, we look forward to the joys to come.  There will be celebrations, new births, adventures, and the daily and weekly gifts we are given each week by our faithful pastors, priests and ministers.

We are thankful this year that we have finally been able to realize a dream with the launching of our online store front at www.ecclesiasticalsewing.com  It has been a long journey, and it is our hope that the online store front will be a blessing for many with the collection of resources we have brought together for those who desire to make church vestments.  And so with thankful hearts we celebrate and thank those who have put given us their trust to help create beautiful church vestments.

Each year within the church, there are also times of celebration. To help you plan and prepare for upcoming events and celebrations throughout the church year, Ecclesiastical Sewing has prepared this handout marking the Church Holidays and Saint days for 2017.

Christian Holidays for 2017 page 1 by Ecclesiastical Sewing
Church Holidays 2017 page 1 Ecclesiastical Sewing


Christian Holidays for 2017 page 2 by Ecclesiastical Sewing
Church Holidays 2017 page 2 Ecclesiastical Sewing


Christian Holidays for 2017 by Ecclesiastical Sewing page 3
Church Holidays 2017 page 3 Ecclesiastical Sewing


The down loadable pdf file is available here:


This guide marks the more common celebrations used through the Christian Church. As with any event, or celebration or matter of faith where there may be differences, it is always wise to direct questions to your pastor or priest.

500th Anniversary of the Reformation

One of the special celebrations for 2017 will be the 5ooth Anniversary of the Reformation on October 31. To mark this event, Ecclesiastical Sewing has created a collection of unique and original embroidery designs to mark this special celebration.

VDMA Cross Embroidery Design for Church Vestments

VDMA Cross Embroidery Design

The first design is the VDMA Cross embroidery design. It features the letters VDMA which in Latin is Verbum Domini Manet in Aeternum for the Word of the Lord Endures Forever. This emblem was embroidered on clothing, and engraved on swords, armour and coins. Wonderful examples of this is found at the Lutheran Reformation.org

The VDMA Cross is available as digital embroidery file that may be downloaded and stitched out using an embroidery sewing machine. We also have the design stitched out and prepared for use as orphrey bands to be stitched on a pastoral stole.

Along with the designs currently available on our website, we are very please to announce Edward Riojas has been gracious enough to collaborate on a soon to be announced set of designs created for the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation. Edward is the artist behind the artwork for Higher Things. He also created beautiful paintings, and recently completed the illustrations for a children’s book.  Please keep an eye out for those designs which are based upon the six chief parts of the Catechism.  Thanks, Edward, for all of your patience and help in creating a stunning set of embroidery designs to coordinate with a soon to be release Luther Rose fabric!

Solo Dei Gloria

Be sure to visit our online store front Ecclesiastical Sewing where you may shop for Liturgical Fabrics, altar linen fabrics, church vestment making patterns, liturgical machine embroidery designschurch vestment trims and notions and so much more. You may also find us on  Ecclesiastical Sewing  on Facebook , Twitter, and Pinterest. Sing up for our mailing list  at the bottom of the page on our online store front and receive a free copy of our Small Linens Booklet as our way of saying thank you for following along.

Christian Holidays 2017 PDF file:








Filed under: Ecclesiastical Sewing Tagged: Ecclesiastical Sewing, Luther Rose Embroidery Design, Lutheran Reformation, VDMA, VDMA Embroidery Design
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